Imbarco Jadrolinija 70123 Bari BA

Imbarco Jadrolinija

96 Recensioni

Imbarco Jadrolinija 70123 Bari BA

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Recensioni consigliate

Antonio Maimone
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Abbiamo fatto il 19/07 dalla Croazia un viaggio di ritorno ,trattati peggio degli animali.Non si capisce come si consenta che avvenga questo: migliaia di persone senza aria condizionata,senza un minimo di sicurezza né di assistenza,un vero inferno.Non si è potuto , addirittura,scendere dalla nave,tanto era piena di auto e pullman.Cose davvero indecenti.Da non ripetere per nessun motivo al mondo
Maria Luisa
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Pessima organizzazione! Il check in si trova ad oltre 3 km dal porto! La navetta che dovrebbe collegarlo al traghetto passa ogni n ora. SI è costretti a prendere il taxi andata e ritorno per non perdere la nave! Oltretutto l'imbarco apre alle 19 e si hanno solo 2 ore per fare il check in e tornare alla nave! C'est incroyable!!
Liam Blylod
Imbarco Jadrolinija
If youre looking for a nice relaxing trip across the sea to dubrovnik, look somewhere else, cause thats not what youre gonna get. If it wasnt for the ither reviews warning about the fact that the place to get your tickets (even after you bought them?) is 3km away from the main port, and the only way to get there is by an inconsistent bus ride, we wouldnt have made it on. We also had to wait to get our tickets for 3 hours becayse they only open 2 hours before boarding.The boarding was also about 2hrs after scheduled, and we did not get any information from either the people working there nor the time sheet.While on board, there were people sleeping everywhere across the floor and by the tables. The cabin was claustrophobic and not what you'd expect for that price. And dont even get me started on the toilets.Also, dont buy the breakfast, you get notjing for that price, they couldnt even include water, which we had to buy extraJust fly over instead!
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Very bad process to do the check in because the queue takes hours.After the check in you have to take a shuttle bus to the boats that is 3km further away. Because of the ammount of people it’s almost impossible to get into the little shuttle bus and if you succeed they put you like sardines in a can. Instead of waiting it’s better to walk to the boat.This company really need to do some process improvements to make it more customer friendly.
Sofija Ska
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Very bad organisation. They changed the place of check-in without changing it on google locations or their bill you get online. Youi have to check-in in the blue building next to the port.First we went to the place where google takes you, and met other people on their way, just to see that they put a notice of change on the window. No one can help you because not even the workers know there to go. They sent some people from the new adress to the old one, and all in all, it was a very chaotic and stressfull situation.
Maria Montt Strabucchi
Imbarco Jadrolinija
As other reviews explain, you need to get your boarding passes at Ansa di Marisabella which is 3 km away. There is a free shuttle bus (orange, only one stop) that takes approx. 5 min. You can go straight to Ansa di Marisabella or from the Bari port: the shuttle runs every 15 min approx there and back. Jadrolinija from Bari to Dubrovnik at 10pm open the check in at 6 pm, if you get there 5:40 you avoid a longer queue which starts forming.
Dan Allen
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Foot passengers: Do not come here without first checking in and collecting your tickets at Ansa di Marisabella". If you have arrived here without checking in
Vincenzo Pizzolorusso
Imbarco Jadrolinija
Due traversate: Bari-Dubrovnik e Bar- Bari. Se salissero i nas avrebbero piú di qualcosa da ridire sulle condizioni igieniche di nave e servizi (?) igienici. Nessun accompagnamento verso le poltrone o alle sistemazioni, mentre il personale era tutto focalizzato sullo stipamento a sardina delle auto. Nessun problema al check in a Bari, mentre un disastro totale quello fatto a Bar. Lunga, oltre il normale, l'attesa per le operazioni di sbarco.
Ana Bašić
Imbarco Jadrolinija
We had booked a ticket from Bari to Dubrovnik which was supposted to depart at 22h. We came at 19h, were waiting for hours in line in the car, the boat came at 3 am! Nobody gave us information about the delay in advance. After few hours of waiting we looked for somebody to get information and we were told that the boat didn’t come from Croatia yet and will be few hours late. I simply cannot believe that in 2022 such company cannot send notification about the delay on e-mail or whatever source of communication! On contrary, people were left to wait in the line. When the boat finally arrived at 3 am, there was nobody to navigate and organize cars towards the boat from parking, instead people from 20 lines were pushing in 2 lines. Chaos!

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70123 Bari BA
Imbarco Jadrolinija