Medical Consulting Center Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 22061 Campione D'italia CO

Medical Consulting Center

30 Recensioni
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  • mercoledì10–19
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Medical Consulting Center Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 22061 Campione D'italia CO

Informazioni sull'azienda



Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 22061 Campione D'italia CO


  • venerdì10–19
  • sabato10–14
  • domenicaChiuso
  • lunedì10–19
  • martedì10–19
  • mercoledì10–19
  • giovedì10–19


  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Toilette
  • Bagno accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Accetta nuovi pazienti

Recensioni consigliate

Аня Довгаль
Medical Consulting Center
To all of potential clients who even had a thought to visit this ‚medical‘ center - PLEASE READ MY STORY FIRST - and never visit them. Because assuming my experience, its hard to believe all these reviews are honest..I came to them because I needed to start treatment of a periodontitis with no delay (I already had an extreme pain). I was «happy» because they were available immediately (at that pointy, I didn’t realise it might be strange for real professionals). They found an option for a visit on the same day. They even said that due to the fact that I don’t speak Italian, a translator will be present for my convenience. The price is fixed - 800 for all until tooth is healthy.1. We started a treatment. After they saw a current X-Ray, They assured me it wouldn’t take us more that 2 visits to finish. They removed nerves, did channels cleaning and laying of medicines. They DIDN'T OFFER ME AN ANESTHESIA because ‚doctor needs to understand where the bottom of the nerves are‘ - I consulted with specialists after and it’s a method of 1950th - yes, from previous century. After all the operations I was crying - they said its normal and necessary to achieve a good result - and after gave me some liquid to drink (I have no idea what it was, probably some strong pain killer).2. After 1 week, on my second visit, I came with an aim finish everything as was promised. But they said that I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY and to cure my problem they need one more session because my infection was quite significant. The translator convinced me that it was my fault that I didn't understand the correct deadline (though I remember their 'promise' for sure)... also, to make me believe in their expertise, she said she had exactly same treatment with her tooth here, and everything was successful. They said there is nothing to worry about because (as their main argument) all inclusive for me - no need to pay for any extra doctor’s work, and this additional session is needed just for my guarantee in order to finish everything really good. I trusted this because I thought they probably know better. Despite the fact they saw something unusual on this visit, doctor has already done canal sealing/ filling… which is crazy. And put medicines again. I felt a pain - they said its normal.3. The last 3rd visit was very quick - they just did an x-rays and made a top filling.I thought everything is finished but later on (2 weeks after «tratment» I felt a pain) so I came one more time to them but doctor didn’t know what to do - AND HE JUST POLISHED TOP OF THE FILLING. I insisted to make X rays, after which he said: ‚Anna, you cooperate good with us, we need few more sessions to cure your tooth‘. AT THE MOMENT, WHEN EVERYTHING IS FINALLY SEALED including channels!!!!! Of course, the translator said to me one more story when again - her daughter had exactly the same issue but everything was done with a few more sessions in this place and she has been having a successful result for 4 years now). They were afraid that I will go to consult with another specialists. They REFUSED to send me my x-rays 3 times.They repeated many times: 'your treatment is just not finished yet'. They said to me to continue treatment with them with no extra fee because 'a few more sessions - and all will be fine'. At that stage, I became really afraid because the final filling had been made while they are advising to open channels again. I went to another specialist - he was shocked enormously!!! - he even asked me if a dentist did this work or maybe person unfamiliar with dental treatment!! I attach pictures of my treatment (results) to support my words… so that you can check by yourself.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t trust anyone in this place!!! I don’t wish anyone to have my terrible experience in their lives. Doctors are not qualified there. They made not a treatment but unfortunately significant problem. Now it's necessary for me to open chennels for the second time, which is risky and costly. Of course I will do it not in this disgusting place even for free.
Alessandro Usai
Medical Consulting Center
Quando metti il cuore nel lavoro che fai, riesci a far felici i tuoi clienti. La mia frustrante fobia dei dentisti è stata completamente annientata dal Dottor Angelo e dal suo team. Esperto su ogni tipo di trattamento (anche i più innovativi). Sono stato trattato come un bambino da tutto il suo team. Le mie richieste sono sempre state più che soddisfatte. Straconsigliato a chiunque.Peccato possa mettere solo 5 stelle!
Ornella Esposito
Medical Consulting Center
Vi ringrazio di cuore per quanto fatto!
Medical Consulting Center
E difficile trovare un dentista competente che lavora con prodotti di qualità e ha dei prezzi decenti. 5 anni fa al consiglio di una mia amica mi sono recata in questo studio di dott.Angelo che sta seguendo sia me che il mio compagno. Lo trovo estremamente professionale, delicato e competente, sono contenta di essere in cura da lui, mi sento vivamente di consigliare questo studio dentistico che tra l'altro risulta essere molto competitivo anche con i prezzi ed è in una posizione comodissima.Grazie a tutto lo staff gentile e professionale.
davide saini
Medical Consulting Center
Grazie per aver risolto il mio problema con professionalità e gentilezza.
Natascha Usai
Medical Consulting Center
Super professionali e molto gentili, posso solo che consigliare, molto felice dei risultati ottenuti!
Viorica DODI
Medical Consulting Center
Sono in cura e controlli presso questo centro da molti anni, anche mia figlia si rivolge a loro. Sono molto professionali, accoglienti e disponibili, non abbiamo mai avuto problemi. Direi uno studio di ottima qualità.
Sara riccio
Medical Consulting Center
le persone migliori che puoi incontrare si trovano in questo studio, professionali accoglienti e simpaticiti senti subito a tuo agiosono i migliori che puoi trovareconsiglio a tutti
irene florio
Medical Consulting Center
Il dottore è davvero professionale , disponibile e soprattutto delicato , curando sempre tutto nei minimi dettagli , mi ha tranquillizzato molto durante l’operazione.Ottima qualità e prezzo .Consiglio assolutamente questo studio dentistico, lavoro finale ottimo e personale molto carino ed accogliente.Tornerò .Grazie
Cristina Lombardini
Medical Consulting Center
Grazie per avermi fatto passare la paura del dentista, a volte basta una parola gentile per sentirsi a proprio agio.

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Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 22061 Campione D'italia CO
Medical Consulting Center