Cook Eat Italian second floor, Viale Donato Giannotti, 49, 50126 Firenze FI

Cook Eat Italian

55 Recensioni

Cook Eat Italian second floor, Viale Donato Giannotti, 49, 50126 Firenze FI

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second floor, Viale Donato Giannotti, 49, 50126 Firenze FI



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Recensioni consigliate

Kristina Loignon
Cook Eat Italian
Manuela's cooking class is truly a unique experience. Her responses were very prompt from our very first contact, and she gave us the warmest, friendliest welcome into her home. She competently instructed our group of 4 - the perfect size in her cozy kitchen, which is expertly stocked with all tools needed - and was happy to answer any questions we had throughout the class. The meal Manuela chose for us was exactly what we were looking for - traditional Italian cuisine that is easy enough to prepare for family and friends, but elegant enough to serve to a formal group. We certainly appreciated the fresh, local, seasonal ingredients Manuela picked up for us at the market for our session. I'm so glad to be able to bring a piece of Florence into our kitchen at home, and can't recommend this class enough!
marco delapierre
Cook Eat Italian
Una cooking class davvero interessante (e divertente) gestita da Manuela presso la Fattoria di Petreto, una location splendidamente genuina a soli 15 minuti dal centro di Firenze.Stamani, dopo aver raccolto le verdure dall'orto, abbiamo preparato un pranzo eccellente: pasta fatta in casa, involtini di pollo e speck, fiori di zucca fritti, fagiolini cotti alla fiorentina e Tiramisù tutto accompagnato dal vino prodotto nella stessa fattoria!Una vera experience multisensoriale immersi nella campagna Toscana!Tornerò senz'altro!Grazie Manuela e a presto;)"
elena tagliaferri
Cook Eat Italian
Esperienza fantastica. cooking class on line ben fatte, diverse e divertenti che in pochi sapienti passi hanno accompagnato grandi e piccini cucinare pasta fatta in casa e dolci davvero golosi. Grazie Manuela!
Jillian Buckley
Cook Eat Italian
My boyfriend and I had an incredible experience with Manuela at Fattoria Petreto. She was very kind and helpful and taught us about authentic Italian cooking. On our arrival Manuela presented us with options for our cooking class. We chose to cook: fried zucchini flowers, homemade spaghetti ( from scratch ) with broccoli in an anchovy, garlic, and olive oil sauce, alongside Sicilian meatballs in a wine sauce, on the side were sautéed vegetables — fresh picked from the garden behind the farmhouse — and lastly, for dessert we made Tiramisu. All of the courses were paired with a wine made onsite at Giovanni’s vineyard: Rose, White, Red, and Dessert Wine. Every wine was absolutely delicious. To add to this, we were given a tour of the entire winemaking process — the grapes being grown in the vineyard, the wine fermenting and aging in the cellar, and great information regarding bottling, production, harvesting, distribution of wine in Tuscany. We learned more about cooking and wine than we thought was possible. Back to the food, our entire meal was fresh, authentic, and delectable. Manuela encouraged us to taste food along the way as we were preparing it — adding to our enjoyment. The food was one of our most authentic and delicious eating experiences during our 10-day trip in Italy. As we were cooking and eating, the conversation was enjoyable and educational. We felt at ease talking with Manuela and her partner, Simon and they showed genuine interest in getting to know us. The setting is breathtaking. The grounds are really pretty and scenic. There are farm animals to interact with, many acres of vines, olive trees, all of which has forested mountains as a backdrop. All in all, we had an amazing experience and brought us insight into true Italian living and cooking. My boyfriend and I had an unforgettable experience with Manuela and cannot thank her enough.
Deborah Covert
Cook Eat Italian
My husband and I took Manuela's class on a short four-day trip to Florence prior to attending a conference in another country. We decided a cooking class would be a great way to experience Florence. After signing up for another class at first, I read reviews for that one and wasn't sure we were going to get what was advertised, so I canceled. I found Manuela's site and her class seemed much more genuine. I signed up my husband and me and it was great! We had a private class that day, no other students. We made bruschetta, spaghetti noodles with asparagus pesto, involtini (rolled meat/cheese/veggies) and tiramisu. Everything was delicious. In fact, we had bruschetta at a restaurant that evening that wasn't nearly as good as what we made in her class. Her kitchen was bright and homey, Manuela was great - and patient with my poor whisking skills - and the food was wonderful. I would definitely recommend her class to anyone wanting to experience this part of Italy and cooking.
Kelly Goddard
Cook Eat Italian
We loved Manuela’s cooking class! She was wonderfully friendly, a delightful teacher, and a talented chef. We also loved getting to eat the meal we made and sampling delicious wine choices from the vineyard with each course. This class was one of our favorite parts of our trip to Italy. Highly recommend!
dotFlorence Firenze
Cook Eat Italian
Bellissima esperienza di cooking class ... è stata davvero una mattina super divertente dove abbiamo imparato moltissimi segreti della cucina Italiana nel contesto super accogliente della Fattoria di Petreto!Riorganizzeremo presto un team building culinario insieme alla mitica Manuela!Grazie e a presto;)
Jessi Miller
Cook Eat Italian
We had the best time at our cooking class on the farm. The setting was breath-taking. The class size was small and Manuela and her husband were so friendly. We chose the fresh pasta option and two of the dishes I had never had before (asparagus pesto and the walnut Gorgonzola sauces). All three courses were awesome and it was the perfect way to spend the day. I’ve taken cooking classes with other companies in Florence and this was by far the best experience I’ve had. Highly recommend!
Francesca Galeone
Cook Eat Italian
Esperienza da fare e rifare.Nella cucina di Manuela ci sono tutti gli ingredienti giusti: professionalità, ottime ricette, pazienza, amore e divertimento. Io e mio figlio siamo riusciti a realizzare dei piatti squisiti seguendo passo passo le sue lezioni, anche on line. Dalle tagliatelle ai ravioli, dalle polpette alle torte, ce n'è per tutti i gusti e per tutte le esigenze. Per chi vuole imparare le buone ricette della tradizione italiana, come se stesse in famiglia. Consigliatissimo.
Filippo Diamanti
Cook Eat Italian
Ieri insieme alla mia classe di cost control abbiamo partecipato a questa bellissima cooking class con Manuela. La mattina ci siamo recati al supermercato per comprare tutto l’occorrente. Dopo aver scelto il menu abbiamo iniziato subito con le preparazioni della schiacciata con l’uva, le polpette, i crostini con il cavolo nero e gli spaghetti homemade alla amatriciana, tutte ricette molto stagionali. Dopo le preparazioni ci siamo messi subito a tavola affamati e pronti ad assaggiare le nostre creazioni accompagnate da del buon vino e tanti sorrisi. Infine Manuela ci ha rilasciato anche un un attestato di partecipazione che trovo molto carina come idea.Grazie della bellissima esperienza!!!!!!!!

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second floor, Viale Donato Giannotti, 49, 50126 Firenze FI
Cook Eat Italian