Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda Via Lungolago Conca d'Oro, 25, 38069 Torbole TN

Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda

67 Recensioni
  • venerdì09–13, 14–18
  • sabato09–13, 14–18
  • domenica09–13, 14–18
  • lunedì09–13, 14–18
  • martedì09–13, 14–18
  • mercoledì09–13, 14–18
  • giovedì09–13, 14–18

Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda Via Lungolago Conca d'Oro, 25, 38069 Torbole TN

Informazioni sull'azienda

Garda Trentino: on the north bank of the south • Garda Trentino | Welcome to Garda Trentino. Spectacular Mediterranean scenery rises from the waters and up over steep mountain slopes to the blue heavens, all with a promise of the great outdoors.


Via Lungolago Conca d'Oro, 25, 38069 Torbole TN


  • venerdì09–13, 14–18
  • sabato09–13, 14–18
  • domenica09–13, 14–18
  • lunedì09–13, 14–18
  • martedì09–13, 14–18
  • mercoledì09–13, 14–18
  • giovedì09–13, 14–18


  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Adatto ai bambini

Recensioni consigliate

Daniela Sommaruga
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Molto gentili e trentini (organizzati)
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
very friendly here,if you searchchambers go there. They´ll help you
Antonio Maurelli
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Punto informazioni ben fornito con molti depliant su orari traghetti e funivia. Personale gentile. Parlano inglese e tedesco.
Monica Splendori
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
František Zimmermann
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Great location on the northeastern tip of Lago di Garda
Marco Zanotti
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Bellissimo e soprattutto pulito. ..
Dirk Mous
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Onvriendelijke vrouw die duidelijk in de verkeerde branche zit.Omdat ze geen Engels sprak en gefrustreerd raakte dat wij haar niet begrepen probeerde ze in gebarentaal voor kinderen iets uit te leggen.Het zou fijn zijn voor toeristen om hier een persoon te treffen die op zijn minst Engels, Duits en Frans spreekt. Chagrijnig mens. Ongelooflijk dat zij dit als beroep heeft gekozen.
Paolo Giorgi
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
Complimenti, siamo stati in questo infopoint per informazioni sui percorsi ciclabili nei dintorni di Torbole e la ragazza ci ha descritto con passione e dovizia di particolari una selezione di percorsi adatti ai nostri mezzi/capacità ed ai giorni a disposizione. Ancora complimenti. È così che vorremmo sempre essere trattati noi turisti.
Wynn Li
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda
The rude lady probably had a bad day, bigger size lady! she is very loud, very crude, and is happy to show me she is not happy to give me bus timetable by slamming cabinet doors.It’s a public holiday, limited buses to some places, but this doesn’t there is no bus for the whole week!When I showed her my phone where I wanted to go thinking she couldn’t understand largo di Tenno, she said to me, just tell me where you want to go! She deliberately put me down infront of others.Is this racism?I hope relevant department to look into this, she is not suitable to work for Torbole Tourist department. She gives Torbole a bad name.

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Via Lungolago Conca d'Oro, 25, 38069 Torbole TN
Info Point - Garda Trentino - Torbole sul Garda