Apotheke Farmacia 38069 Nago-Torbole TN

Apotheke Farmacia

7 Recensioni

Apotheke Farmacia 38069 Nago-Torbole TN

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38069 Nago-Torbole TN



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Recensioni consigliate

Tom Krause
Apotheke Farmacia
Freundliche Apothekerin, mit der man sich problemlos in englischer Sprache verständigen konnte.Das Produkt was wir eigentlichwollten gab es nicht, sie hat uns aber ein ähnliches rausgesucht.Alles super
David Schoofs
Apotheke Farmacia
Grote apotheek, vriendelijke bediening helpt je in meerdere talen ...
Selina Sartori
Apotheke Farmacia
Hands off!! This pharmacy poses a risk to your health!I wanted to buy Ciprofloxacin-containing ear drops for an ear drum perforation from barotrauma. The lady at the counter told me she didn‘t have Ciprofloxacin. I should take Neomycin instead. Anybody with the faintest medical background, knows, that Neomycin is an Aminoglycoside. Aminoglycosides are known for their ototoxic side effects! They damage the inner ear and are KONTRAINDICATED in case of a perforated ear drum! Because they can make you deaf!!!To the lady at the counter: it‘s the most important thing in medicine not to harm the patient - primum non nocere!

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38069 Nago-Torbole TN
Apotheke Farmacia