Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design Via Giuseppe Candiani, 72, 20158 Milano MI

Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design

109 Recensioni

Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design Via Giuseppe Candiani, 72, 20158 Milano MI

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Via Giuseppe Candiani, 72, 20158 Milano MI



  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle

Recensioni consigliate

Luca Vivanti
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
Era un bel campus vivo ed allegro prima del Covid. Ora ha ripreso vita pur con alcune limitazioni
Joshua Seckerdieck
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
When I started my Masters's program in Integrated Product Design in Milano in 2020, I was excited. Enthusiastic about living and studying in the birthplace of some of the most radical ideas of European design – Two years later, I graduated and am left a little disillusioned.All that I appreciated about studying in a creative field during my Bachelor's was absent at PoliMi. There is little to no encouragement of experimentation or free abstract thinking; instead, the program seems to be stuck in a rigid construct of tradition and technicalities. The close ties to big industrial players, often heralded as an advantage of the school, were only perceived as limiting and, at times, exploitative. Collaborations with said companies felt more like unpaid labor than valuable design experiences.In a sense, studying design at Politecnico felt like studying design as if nothing had happened in the last 30 years. There were very few references to the challenges humanity faces today and how design might be a medium to address and tackle these. An abstract, but overall very conservative concept of innovation is casually thrown around during courses, but nobody present seems to really know what it means. In addition to this uninspired and corporate-like content void, Politecnico also seems to have a problem with open feedback culture. At PoliMi, the requirements seem to be: Do things right but never differently. As a result, students often cater almost exclusively to the (very often male) professors' wishes. Someone has the documentation of the top graded project from last year? AMAZING - let's slightly change their project and submit it." The problem here is obvious: Designing differently does not necessarily mean wrong. On the contrary! Taking creative risks is what studying design should be about
Federica Mattiuzzo
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
Molti giardini ben curati dove ti puoi sedere su panchine o semplicemente sdraiarti a terra all'ombra degli alberi. Offre servizio mensa e bar all'interno del campus facilmente raggiungibile da tutti i punti nevralgici. Ha un po' di problemi con le temperature, soprattutto B2, ma le aule sono spaziose, si vede e sente bene da ogni punto. Vi è anche una biblioteca con aula studio e uno spazio dove ci sono mostre per parecchi mesi. Sono presenti ascensori in tutti gli stabili e spesso si organizzano mostre con i lavori degli studenti fra i corridoi.
Alessandra Businaro
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
massimo camagni
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
Fantastico ambiente per lo studio, all'avanguardia in tutti i settori tecnologici
Peter Page 07
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
Appena rinnovato ,molto bello tutto nuovo molto ampio stile moderno all'interno... in strutture antiche ben rifinito direi by Peter@
Francesco Riti
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
La mia Alma Mater e quella dei miei figli. Il massimo insomma
Stef Kostov
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
The only good part of this part of the campus is the little park behind B6. Inside the rooms are not thought out well. Some of the windows don't even open ( in B2 ) and the air conditioning is seldom adjusted for studying (too hot in the summer). The places to sit around B2 are not sufficient and in my opinion the space hasn't been used practically. ( the photo is from B6 )
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design
Splendido tutto una visione anche delle aule di insegnamento molto diversa che nel nostro paese
Graziano Flaminio
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design

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Via Giuseppe Candiani, 72, 20158 Milano MI
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola del Design