Logge del Vasari Piazza Grande, 52100 Arezzo AR

Logge del Vasari

17 Recensioni
  • venerdì12–15, 19–23
  • sabato12–15, 19–23
  • domenica12–15
  • lunedìChiuso
  • martedì12–15, 19–23
  • mercoledì12–15, 19–23
  • giovedì12–15, 19–23

Logge del Vasari Piazza Grande, 52100 Arezzo AR

Informazioni sull'azienda



Sito web
Piazza Grande, 52100 Arezzo AR


  • venerdì12–15, 19–23
  • sabato12–15, 19–23
  • domenica12–15
  • lunedìChiuso
  • martedì12–15, 19–23
  • mercoledì12–15, 19–23
  • giovedì12–15, 19–23


  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Adatto ai bambini

Recensioni consigliate

Filippo Fiorini
Logge del Vasari
Un aperitivo in un posto magico
Matteo Turoli
Logge del Vasari
Ristorante situato proprio sotto il portico della Piazza,ci siamo fermati a pranzo e abbiamo degustato un menù alla carta con antipasti locali e secondo di carne. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo la carne era eccezionale.
Gernot Berndt
Logge del Vasari
Der Großherzog Cosimo I. de Medici beauftragte Giorgio Vasari mit der Gestaltung der Loggia 1572 im Stiel der Renaissance. Heute befinden sich unter den Arkaden einige Bars, eine Osteria und Ristorante fehlen nicht. Ein kleiner Teil Richtung Palazzo della Fraternita die Laici ist noch frei zugänglich. Besonders in den frühen Nachtstunden versprüht die Loggia ihren Scharm.
Sam Imani
Logge del Vasari
During a day trip to Arrezo, we came by this restaurant among several under the portico of the main square. My wife liked the fact that a lady was making pasta right among the outdoor tables and so we ate there. We were surprised by the quality of food we had there so much that we went back two more days even though we were staying an hour away.Dishes are small but they are priced somewhat low; so we ordered three dishes each time and still our bill was always under $70. Just about anything we ordered was of very high quality and the service was outstanding. Andre and Marco were in particular attentive and friendly. My wife is extremely picky with food and post nearly a month of travel in Italy and Austria continues to mention this restaurant.The town does not have the draw of Assisi or Preugia or Cortona, but it is charming and this restaurant in the main square was just busy enough for the businesses to thrive but also quiet and relaxing enough to make a lasting impression. The large array of seats in the sunny square, in the shade under the portico and inside the restaurant made this place even more appealing.
Fulvio G.
Logge del Vasari
Piazza meravigliosa, assolutamente da visitare!
Giampaolo Turi
Logge del Vasari
Bella location nel centro storico di Arezzo. Servizio inappuntabile; menu' della tradizione con qualche contaminazione nuova". I piatti sono ben preparati e buoni. Rivedibile la tagliata. Anche i cantuccini non eccelsi

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Piazza Grande, 52100 Arezzo AR
Logge del Vasari