Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci Via Ricci, 9, 53045 Montepulciano SI

Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci

21 Recensioni

Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci Via Ricci, 9, 53045 Montepulciano SI

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Via Ricci, 9, 53045 Montepulciano SI



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Recensioni consigliate

Dávid Tislér
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Egy iéyen látványért megérte felmenni a várba
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
An enjoyable concert ad hoc at Palazzo Ricci. Pleasant performance by SoNoRo team composed of a variety of professional musicians and students from Romania.
alfredo mampieri
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Antico palazzo medievale, è ora la sede della Europäische Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, un'associazione culturale correlata al conservatorio di Köln, che organizza interessanti concerti a prezzi contenuti. Splendida terrazza che si affaccia sulla val di chiana
Davide Cortesi
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Sandro Capirchio
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Palazzo con bel panorama
K. B.
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
The view from the terrace onto the tuscan landscape is just beyond anything words could reasonably capture. I had a course there back in the day and the view from the hill of Montepulciano is breathtaking at every single time of the day in the summer. Make sure you'll enjoy the view at least once in the dark, because you can see the orange candlelights shimmering on the cemetary down in the valley from afar. One of the most hauntingly beautiful views I've enjoyed in my life so far. One of those sights that really moves the grand scheme of things into perspective.
Alex K
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Ein fleckchen Deutschland, inmitten von Montepulciano. Sehr interessant für Liebhaber der klassischen Musik.
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci
Palazzo Ricci to zabytkowa renesansowa rezydencja znajdująca się w Montepulciano, w prowincji Siena we Włoszech. Została zbudowana w latach 1534-1540 dla rodziny Ricci. Budynek ma trzy kondygnacje, fasadę z czerwonego cegły i ozdobne detale architektoniczne.Obecnie w budynku mieści się szkoła muzyczna. Dla turystów dostępny jest natomiast dziedziniec i taras z pięknymi widokami na okolice Montepulciano.

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Via Ricci, 9, 53045 Montepulciano SI
Accademia europea di Palazzo Ricci