Agriturismo Gli Allori 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI

Agriturismo Gli Allori

17 Recensioni

Agriturismo Gli Allori 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI

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Agriturismo in Toscana GLI ALLORI, Agritourist, Agro-tourism, Agritusismus |


50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI



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Recensioni consigliate

Dimitris Konstantinidis
Agriturismo Gli Allori
Not enough words to describe that place!! If you want to totally escape the big city’s fuss this is definitely the haven you should be looking for.Run by too amazing people that love what they do, and do it with great respect. Mr Julianno was always there and very willing to share and talk stories and experiences that had all these years in these lands.The apartment had literally everything we needed. After a long drive in Toscany to see the beauties of the area we would just hang to the pool watching the sun fade.The road as many say is indeed bumpy but me with a Toyota Yaris had absolutely no problem getting there. And anyways if you want agriturismo and you expect a five star hotel then it’s your problem.By the way it’s in the middle of Toscany and from there we drove the whole area. Florence is almost 35 minutes drive. Sienna and Pisa almost 1 hour and 45 minutes.I wish you both the best truly and hope one day will be back.
Georg Schach
Agriturismo Gli Allori
Einfach wunderbar! Der schönste und einsamste Ort in den Bergen vor Florenz. Nur die Wegbeschreibung auf italienisch hat uns nicht wirklich geholfen auch Google führt ein hier falsch, da das Haus nich an der bei Google eingezeichneten Straße liegt, sondern an einem nicht eingezeichneten Schotterweg. Ein Anruf beim Vermieter half aber schnell, wir wurden abgeholt. Wir haben uns super wohl gefühlt, dieser Ort ist ein Geheimtipp für Menschen, die Ruhe und Einsamkeit in der Nähe von Florenz suchen!
Marcel van Delft
Agriturismo Gli Allori
We stayed for about 2 weeks at this agriturismo. The houses are fine and well build. The swimming pool is clean, well maintained and really helps cooling down during the summer. The view from the pool is beautiful! The view from the balcony of the house is nice but not great. You look out on a couple of trees but nothing really special. The house itself wasn't very clean. There were a lot of bugs and in every room a few spider webs. Not a dealkiller but still not something you want to find in your holiday home. This wasn't the thing that really bothered me this holiday.The two things that did bother me were the owner and the road to the agriturismo.At first the owner was very nice and friendly. He speaks a little bit of English but is better at speaking German, French or, of course, Italien. After a few days he gave us a bottle of his own made olive oil. He was very nice and we were really satisfied by his friendliness. Then one day a friend of mine and his girlfriend, who were also on holiday somewhere in Tuscany, visited us for a couple of hours. The owner was constantly closely watching us and when he saw that we would go for a swim he became very angry and never became friendly again. My girlfriend and i were really surprised by his reaction sinds this were the first and only visit we had at this agriturismo. The rest of the holiday he didnt spoke any friendly words with us. At the day of our departure the owner stayed in his cabin and didnt want to say goodbye to us. This gave us this weird aftertaste to our holiday and we didn't feel very comfortable after his reaction on my friends visit. This is definitly the reason that i will not go back to this agriturismo.The second thing that bothered me was the road to the agriturismo. I drive an Alfa Romeo 147. A hatchback. The road to the agriturismo was very bumpy with a couple of steep hills that you have to get over. The road was mostly dirt with a lot of stones. I was scared that my car would get damaged by driving down the road. So if you have a car that is not a 4x4 or doesn't have much ground clearance, this isn't an ideal spot.If I had known that the road was this bumpy and rocky, i would have looked further. The road really keeps you from going somewhere quickly. Normally i would go out for a quick diner at towns near my holiday adress. This holiday i couldn't because i didnt want to damage my car by driving down that terrible road all the time.For us definitly not again.
Iris List
Agriturismo Gli Allori
Ganz fantastisch gelegene Unterkunft mit netten und hilfsbereiten Vermietern. Der Ausblick ins Tal ist wirklich besonders und das auch noch vom Pool aus! Der Weg zur Unterkunft ist zwar ein wenig holprig,jedoch machbar. Das Appartement ist zweckmäßig eingerichtet, allerdings mit einer vollständig ausgestatteten Küche. Wir hatten alles was wir brauchten. Tipps für günstiges Parken in Florenz und andere Ausflugsziele kamen jederzeit vom Vermieter. Jederzeit gerne wieder.
Jordi Vallès
Agriturismo Gli Allori
Terrible! Quedamos a las 22h en el agroturismo. Después de seguir las indicaciones de Google maps (no lo hagáis, nos perdimos por un bosque con un camino terrible), llegamos al pueblo a las 21:50. Llamamos y nos respondió el dueño de malas maneras que estaban en la cama, que ya nos recibirían el día siguiente, y COLGARON!!! Después de insistir llamando, conseguimos que nos llevaran a la casa (a 10 min). Nos trataron como delincuentes. Obviamente nos fuimos al día siguiente. Esta gentuza no deberían dedicarse a esto.

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50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI
Agriturismo Gli Allori