Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca Via B, 18, 90015 Cefalù PA

Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca

21 Recensioni
  • giovedì08–20
  • venerdì08–20
  • sabato08–20
  • domenica08–20
  • lunedì08–20
  • martedì08–20
  • mercoledì08–20

Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca Via B, 18, 90015 Cefalù PA

Informazioni sull'azienda



Via B, 18, 90015 Cefalù PA


  • giovedì08–20
  • venerdì08–20
  • sabato08–20
  • domenica08–20
  • lunedì08–20
  • martedì08–20
  • mercoledì08–20


  • Caratteristiche: di proprietà di donne

Recensioni consigliate

Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elizabeth was very knowledgeable about the area and its history. She is fluent in multiple languages and was very helpful in assisting us to become familiar with the town. We highly recommend her as a guide. We could not have learned so much without her.
Giovanni Diem
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Eine Reise auf Sizilien mit der kompetenten Führung von Elisabeth Barreca lohnt sich allemal! Sie kennt die Geschichte der Insel, kennt die Städt und Dörfer. Unterhaltsam führt sie die Gäste in antiken Gebäuden und weiss viele interessante Details. Elisabeth Barreca kennt die Kultur der Inselbewohner und weiss wo ihre Gäste gesund essen können, nämlich typisch sizilianisch. Besucher kommen mit ihr an Orte, die man sonst überhaupt nicht finden würde.Durch ihre Mehrsprachigkeit - sie spricht neben italienisch, englisch, deutsch auch perfekt schweizerdeutsch - ist sie sich gewohnt, von einer zur andern Sprache zu wechseln.
Stefano Sguera
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
un incontro piacevole, una grande professionalità e molta comprensione e disponibilità a risolvere i molti problemi che si devono affrontare quando ci si muove con una persona con disabilità motoria. ha reso la visita di cefalù interessante e piacevole nonostante le difficoltà affrontate per arrivare a visitare la cattedrale e per trovare la misteriosa chiave dei servizi igienici del comune. grazie Liz e a presto
Hansjörg Stucki
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elisabeth war eine perfekte Begleitung und konnte uns die Kultur, die Geschichte, die Natur, das sizilianische Leben und alles was dazu gehört in italienisch, deutsch, schweizerdeutsch in ausgewogener Form erklären und auch eine englische Präsentation in einem Weinkeller perfekt auf schweizerdeutsch übersetzen. Es war ein perfekter Besuch, den ich zusammen mit meinen Kollegen und Kolleginnen erleben durfte. Ich hoffe, dass auch bei einem zukünftigen Besuch, Elisabeth wieder unser Tourguide sein wird.Hansjörg Stucki
Wendy Tresouthicj
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elizabeth was a wealth of information about the arts and the locale. She was very accommodating! She willingly provided us a guided walking tour of Cefalu on a rainy day per our last minute request. I called the morning of our visit to Cefalu and explained we were only in town for one day and asked if she could possibly guide us. Suprisingly, she fit us into her schedule! In 2 hours with Elizabeth we were able to visit the Cathedral, the museum and some of the streets around Cefalu center. Thank you Elizabeth for going above and beyond expectations!
Olivia Nelson
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elisabeth was so helpful in coordinating a cooking class for my husband and I on our first visit to cefalu! She picked us up and transported us to the house and was very flexible in the menu offerings. She stayed with us the whole time to help translate and we even stayed longer for the class than it was scheduled because we enjoyed our conversation with her and the host so much. We definitely plan to come back next summer and hopefully use the beautiful outdoor kitchen!
Steven Pozzi
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elisabeth was our tour guide on a day tour to the mountain villages above Cefalu in Sicily. We were picked up in Cefalu and driven by Marco to the church of Maria, Isnello, and Castelbuono. Elisabeth was extremely well informed about the ancient buildings, the village histories, and the beautiful artifacts and details of the churches and the castle. The tour was extremely well organized and efficient as we drove from place to place, seemingly spending enough time in each one. Elisabeth led us to an awesome coffee and pastry (cannolo) experience and to a tasty bread bakery in Isnello. We had an incredible lunch in Castelbuono at the Palazzacio restaurant where Elisabeth knows the owners. The food and the ambience were excellent and Elisabeth continued to share stories about the area and the history. One of the things we liked best was that Elisabeth was able to adapt her presentation to our preferences and was very comfortable and casual in her delivery. Her English is exemplary, both speaking and understanding. I highly recommend Elisabeth as a tour guide.
Gay Ann
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Elisabeth is a real professional, she knows her business, is and excellent guide and a super person.
Nathalie Fölling
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca
Ich durfte bereits 5x das Vergnügen haben, mit Elisabeth als guida" Sizilien erleben. Einfach toll! Ihre Führungen sind immer sehr gut gemacht und vorbereitet. Mir gefällt besonders das Gleichgewicht der Informationen

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Via B, 18, 90015 Cefalù PA
Cefalù Local Guide di Elisabeth Barreca