Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola - Via L. Pirandello, 40026 Imola BO

Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -

8 Recensioni

Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola - Via L. Pirandello, 40026 Imola BO

Informazioni sull'azienda

Polizia Locale - Nuovo Circondario Imolese |


Via L. Pirandello, 40026 Imola BO



  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle

Recensioni consigliate

Marcello Giovannoli
Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -
Un plauso alla polizia municipale e agli assistenti al traffico dell'organizzazione che dopo aver dichiarato inagibile il parcheggio 30 (prenotato) ci hanno consigliato di parcheggiare lungo strada via Goccianello rassicurando che data la situazione non sarebbero stati emessi verbali per divieto di sosta. Conclusione... decine e decine di auto con verbali (illeggibili data la pioggia) sul vetro... Dopo aver fatto 500 km e portato soldi questa l'accoglienza di Imola. VERGOGNA!
Bruno Deidda
Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -
Me and my girlfriend were visiting Imola for the grand prix weekend and left with a very bad feeling because of the experience with local police. After the race we came back to where we parked our car to see that our car is not there. Police officers were close by (they were very kind to us and knew some english) and they said that our car was taken away by police for wrong parking.We arrived to Imola in the morning and parked in a place which seemed to be a good place to park because the car wasn't on the road and wasn't blocking anything (enterance or road). I would understand if the car was removed for legitimate reasons but we made sure that there is enough space and the car isn't blocking anything. It was all happening during race day when the city was full of people and there wasn't any place to park. I showed picture of that place to police officers at station.When we arrived in station (after 30 minute walk) I wanted to know why the car was impounded and they said because it was blocking the bycicle lane which it did not and we made sure there is enough room when we parked the car. I asked for a photo evidence of my car blokcing the lane and the officeres did not show me. They showed a picture of some other cars in the same street but no picture and no evidence of my car. I did not want to argue because we have long way to drive home to Zagreb, Croatia and paid the fine thinking that was everything and I can get my car. Then they said the car was somewhere on the city outskirts and have to pay there again to get my car. I would like to thank the kind lady officer for helping us and driving us there, she saved us.I paid 180 euro to get my car and lost a lot of hours solving the issue without knowing italian language.I still want to know why that happened to us, and I want photo evidence.Only reason I paid the fine was because it was getting late, my girlfriend was afraid and I just wanted to bring us home to Croatia.I can't describe the feeling of desperation when you see that your car isn't there in a foreign country. The feeling of shame and hopelesness walking half an hour in a foreign city to a police station. Tired from the whole day on the racetrack and wet from the rain at the race. Not knowing where our car is. All of our belongings were in that car.For what? Why did that happen? Is it because we are tourists? Is that the way people of Imola treat tourists? Take their car and leave them alone in a foreign country without their belongings? Why? No photo evidence of a wrong parking? Even if we parked wrong (which we did not) why do that to people during the race day for a few hours? I don't understand.I want to see evidence and want to know who did this and why. I am angry because our car was the only one at the impound meaning it was targeted for some reason. Why not impound other vehicles around city? I took pictures of improperly parked vehicles during walk to the station. It is not fair and not right. Do not organize event as big as formula 1 if you can't handle it and can't welcome tourists.This is the thanks I get for spending the weekend in the region and spending my money I work hard for?I can forgive the money you took from me but i will never forget and never forgive you the feeling of desperation and the stress you caused us.When we managed to solve all of that and get our car it was late and we arrived in Zagreb early in the morning at around 5. We had to take day off and not go to work.I could understand if my car was blocking something or any legitimate reason but we made sure we parked properly and best we could regarding the situation (race day)We are angry and demand an explanation for the situation. We will write everywhere. Will never return to Imola.SHAME ON YOU.Again, grazie mille to the officers which helped us, especially to the lady who drove us.
Gabriele Zaccherini
Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -
Buongiorno.Telefonato per denunciare un accaduto, l agente mi chiede di inviare mail .Ho fatto presente che ,le telefonate essendo registrate, si potevano fare ascoltare a chi di dovere. In tal modo si abbreviano i tempi .Credo che per la sicurezza in primis ,si potesse fare.NULLA ,SOLO MAIL.AGGIUNGO CHE,LE REGISTRAZIONE HANNO VALORE LEGALE . QUESTO PER LA SUPREMA CORTE DI CASSAZIONE.Inoltre ,mail su fatti del genere, inviate tempo prima,non hanno cambiato NULLA.Lascio a voi le considerazioni del caso.
Stefania Gennai
Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -
Ringrazio per la gentilezza e la professionalità dell'agente Del Vecchio per la denuncia del furto del mio pass tagliando parcheggio invalidi, effettuato oggi 20 settembre 2021.

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Via L. Pirandello, 40026 Imola BO
Polizia Locale Associata - presidio di Imola -