Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites Strada Costadedoi, 67, 39036 San Cassiano BZ

Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites

6 Recensioni

Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites Strada Costadedoi, 67, 39036 San Cassiano BZ

Informazioni sull'azienda

Body Mind Soul Wellness in the Dolomites - Alta Badia Balance | Alpine Wellbeing Activities | Body, mind & soul wellbeing activities in Alta Badia Dolomites. Enjoy the beauty of the mountains. Reconnect to nature, relax, regenerate.


Strada Costadedoi, 67, 39036 San Cassiano BZ



  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle

Recensioni consigliate

Susanna Noe
Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites
Yoga con cuore e professionalità, in luoghi magici della natura. Da non perdere, Alexis lavora con passione, e si vede!
marika beraldo
Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites
Eco lab:in splendida compagnia di Alexis che ci ha accompagnato in una meravigliosa esperienza pluri sensoriale in mezzo alla natura:una passeggiata rigenerante dove abbiamo scoperto le Proprietà di fiori e piante che si trovavano lungo il nostro cammino, storie fantastiche sulla natura,La costruzione di un acchiappa sogni fatto con materiale naturale trovato lungo il sentiero,La costruzione di un totem lungo il torrente, l’ascolto dello scorrere dell’acqua e la spiegazione dell’energia dell’acqua,Infine la realizzazione della carta con materiale di recupero e fiori di montagna.Insomma una totale immersione nella natura con tutte le varie sfaccettature, il tutto accompagnato dalle spiegazioni di un’esperta : Alexis.Un’esperienza da fare assolutamente, se si è in Val Badia,Arricchente, rilassante, che piace a piccoli e grandi!!!!
Joshua Kern
Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites
In the Dolomites, we experience physical portals - from plains to mountains, from mountains to rivers, from air to water. We experience climactic portals, from rain to snow, from snow to sun, from water to fire. We experience cultural portals from Italian to German, from German to Ladin, a history of cultural exchange but also conflict, from fire to air.These are the portals we experience with our senses, that we conceptualise with our thoughts, that we express as language, that we ordinarily critique as review. Yet are our senses and thoughts capable of perceiving all phenomena at play, and all the transitions, in these mountains?Symbolically, the mountains represent stability in the midst of these transitions. Dolomite stone specifically is known for its balancing properties, and the mountains’ looming presence establishes a perception of stability in a world in flux. The dolomite seems to balance shifts that Ladins or Italians, Germans or tourists, cyclists or hikers, skiers or snowboarders, all experience in this otherwise changing environment.We experience all of these things in Alta Badia, but it is thanks to Alta Badia Balance that more and more visitors will be conscious of them during their stay. For my part, I was lucky enough to attend a cacao ceremony celebrated by Alexis Kunst on the night of 7 July 2023 (i.e. 7/7/7 (2=0+2+3)). Alta Badia Balance offers yoga, shamanic healing, medicine song, and ecstatic dance in the Badia valley, providing its service from a beautiful ceremonial space in Costededoi, just outside San Cassiano towards La Villa in the Alta Badia commune.Shortly before dusk, I passed through the portal dividing the ceremonial space beautifully enveloped by the orange illumination of the Fanes and Cunturines groups, and was welcomed by open hearts and warm souls as the space was prepared and blessed with palo santo. A part of me was apprehensive, wondering how a distinctively Latin American ceremony would translate to the Alpine context. Yet the warmth of the welcome, and the honesty of its participants, put any cynicism to one side. Once the medicine singing began, what struck me more than a feeling of appropriation was the distinctly latin vibration of the music - from Brazil, from Italy, from Spain - softened by Ladin soul but with a Germanic edge.The centrepiece entailed blessing and sharing the cacao, which had been prepared with devotion and love, and which filled me up (notwithstanding that I had cycled in the mountains the same day). As the cacao was shared around the holy fire, and in the midst of the song, we were reminded that - with love - the mundane can become the magical, and the ordinary otherworldly. Once the cacao settled, Alexis distributed ecstatic dance head phones and we danced under the Milky Way until the small hours. The Dolomites are said to be the finest place in Europe from which to see our galaxy, and this was undoubtedly true from San Cassiano on 7/7/7. Thanks to Alta Badia Balance, I was conscious of this in the moment. If you wish to bring mindfulness and shared conscious experience to your time in the Dolomites, I would highly recommend reaching out to Alta Badia Balance as the perfect place to start.

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Strada Costadedoi, 67, 39036 San Cassiano BZ
Alta Badia Balance Wellness & Wellbeing in the Dolomites