Negozio TIM Piazza della Stazione, 60/61, 50123 Firenze FI

Negozio TIM

271 Recensioni
  • giovedì09–19
  • venerdì09–19
  • sabato09–19
  • domenica10–19
  • lunedì09–19
  • martedì09–19
  • mercoledì09–19

Negozio TIM Piazza della Stazione, 60/61, 50123 Firenze FI

Informazioni sull'azienda

Offerte Fibra Internet WiFi, Mobile, TV, Smartphone | TIM | Telefonia Fissa e Mobile, Internet Fibra, Adsl, FWA, film, serie TV, Calcio e Intrattenimento. Promozioni, tariffe e assistenza su prodotti e servizi TIM.


Piazza della Stazione, 60/61, 50123 Firenze FI


  • giovedì09–19
  • venerdì09–19
  • sabato09–19
  • domenica10–19
  • lunedì09–19
  • martedì09–19
  • mercoledì09–19


  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Carte di debito
  • PagamentI tramite dispositivo mobile NFC
  • Carte di credito
  • Consegna a domicilio
  • Ritiro in negozio
  • Acquisti in negozio

Recensioni consigliate

Kelvin Fairclough
Negozio TIM
First up, do not buy a TIM Tourist sim. They are happy to take your money for the prepurchase then they will send an ID number to take to ANY, note any, TIM store and receive your sim - except of course that is not true. We tried various TIM stores in Florence and none could/would give us the TIM Tourist sim stating it is a special sim and not available. The stores would not help in any way passed that point. TIM mobile says to ring them for help except that we can't because - guess what, we don't have a sim! The stores would not ring for us and TIM did not respond to any emails we sent to try and rectify things. Looking at reviews, ringing them would have been a waste of time anyway. Just don't buy your sim online from TIM and expect to receive it. Wait until you are in Italy and then purchase a sim at a store, preferably NOT a TIM one.
Negozio TIM
Not even 1 star but had to so I can write this, I can’t believe how bad their customer service is at the store! They did not help a man from another country figure out what the problem was with the SIM card they put in his phone! Then didn’t have a phone for him to use to call his mobile phone provider. As I watched them get upset with him when he was the customer asking them for help, I automatically was disgusted by the way they treated him since he was foreign here. I wouldn’t ever recommend this TIM store to anyone or give them business, the owner definitely needs to replace the workers there. They’re only there now because phone service is such a necessity. You wouldn’t have a pleasant experience & get the help you need, please go to another store to take care of your phone issues!
Isabela Viegas
Negozio TIM
I was stolen!! the guy sold me the chip and it didn't activate, I couldn't use the chip in another country and when I try to contact the call it just calls. I was completely deceived. Do not buy in this store, I spent 37 euros and it did not activate my SIM card and in another country I had to buy a new one because the store cannot activate it. they sold me the chip but they didn't activate it, he just stole my money. Never buy from this store!!!
Tatiana Sula
Negozio TIM
Sono andata in questo negozio perché volevo cambiare operatore. Mi è stato fatto vedere un'offerta tim international anche se non avevo bisogno di minuti verso altri paesi e quando ho chiesto di vedere offerte diverse mi è stato detto che non ci sono. Comunque l'atteggiamento è stato poco professionale e non mi hanno spiegato nulla. In altri negozi TIM il personale è molto più disponibile
Gianfranco Secci
Negozio TIM
Cortesia, professionalità e competenza. È cosi che si acquisiscono nuovi clienti. Pienamente soddisfatto. Grazie e buon lavoro.
Steve Carlin
Negozio TIM
Needed a SIM card that could be topped up monthly for ongoing travel to Croatia and then Ireland after Italy. Store rep promised 70GB data for 9 euro a month after initial 38 euro for first month. Supposed to roam everywhere in EU, including Croatia,Ireland and France. After two weeks in Croatia, data gets cut off and text says I ran out of foreign data". Didn't even use 1GB of data in that time. Must have a foreign data limit that rep did not disclose. Rep also promised I could renew\top up in Croatia. Nope. Total fraud. Nothing but bait and switch to screw tourists and travelers."
Jasmehar Kaur
Negozio TIM
Extremely impolite and unhelpful service. The staff doesn't have the right knowledge and they don't wish to help the customer. I've been struggling since a week now. The issue with my active sim persists. They are rude and simply want to make a sale of a number. Misguiding the customer. Don't purchase TIM. Honest advice.
Mohsen B.aguoune
Negozio TIM
J'ai paje' un nouveau numero 37 euro. A montecatini la stessa promotion me l'hanno proposto 23.99. MA perrche'?
Enn Robertson
Negozio TIM
The only reason I give them one star is because no stars" isn't an option. Spent 30 euros only to find out that my 'minutes' or GB were used up (by what? who knows
Tiziana Grassi
Negozio TIM
Mi sono recata in questo negozio il giorno 4 agosto alle 18.30 circa per ricaricare la sim per casa ma l’incaricata dopo quasi mezz’ora di fila non potendo procedere perché doveva chiudere il negozio alle 19 (mancavano 5 minuti) mi ha detto di tornare successivamente, anche dopo la scadenza della stessa quindi a questo punto le ho posto la domanda che se fosse scaduta avrei dovuto precedere al pagamento intero della stessa la sua risposta era: non so ma no credo di no.Morale della favola sono tornata dopo due giorni (il 6 agosto, il giorno dopo della scadenza della sim) e l’incaricato di oggi non ha potuto far altro che dirmi che dovrò di nuovo pagare anche la nuova sim oltre al piano tariffario e creandomi anche un altro problema che qui non sto a specificare.Non tornerò più in questo punto vendita in quanto non e’ stata a mio parere competente.

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Piazza della Stazione, 60/61, 50123 Firenze FI
Negozio TIM