Help Bari Corso Italia, 112, 70123 Bari BA

Help Bari

11 Recensioni

Help Bari Corso Italia, 112, 70123 Bari BA

Informazioni sull'azienda

| The best accommodation in shared flat - Rooms in shared apartments. | provides rooms in shared student apartments for internationals and Erasmus in . Since 2010 provides exclusive and affordable accommodation for young students and internationals in . From shared student flats to apartments for young people and students living & working in .


Corso Italia, 112, 70123 Bari BA



  • Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle

Recensioni consigliate

Help Bari
These guys will try to set you traps and force you to get in to get as much money from you as possible. In the booking you are asked to pay 500 euros, if you pay forget about getting that money back (they will think about possible excuses to steal that money). At least there are other options apart from them to rent in long term in Bari.
Anonymer Holzwurm
Help Bari
I clearly advise staying away from Help Bari Apartments. Whether as an Airbnb or as accommodation for several months.Help Bari bullied me and my roommates (also from other apartments) from start to finish and tried to get as much money out of your pocket as possible.But now from the beginning. I lived in the apartment for 1 year. Due to the relatively high rent for Bari, I thought I'd move into a nice room where I wouldn't have any problems. Not correct. The first thing I was allowed to do was pay €300 administration fees, which I was never conditions:I wasn't allowed to hang pictures or anything else. Plants were also banned upon request. The cleaning lady only cleans the most necessary things. I never left my room without shoes because the common rooms were incredibly dirty and the kitchen in particular was permanently unacceptable. In the kitchen there is not enough cutlery and crockery for everyone and last but not least the air conditioner broke off the wall without my doing.Punish:If the cleaning lady needed longer for her unsatisfactory work, we were charged for this (5 times in 11 months). Because a roommate and two friends on his private balcony until 2a.m. listened to music and smoked, each roommate was fined €100. (PS: I slept peacefully the whole time).I only transferred the rent in one month (standing order) and not the €12.54 that was still outstanding for additional costs, because I wanted to transfer these next month as well. I was fined 40€ for this, because I was only asked to transfer this after 7 days and I was then charged a fine of 5€ for 8 days. When asked for more forks for the kitchen, each roommate was billed €10 for a total of 8 new forks. A total of 25€ was billed for repairs and unclogging the toilet. 2€ per month are added to the rent as a transfer fee and you can also pay the 300€ administration fees.Neighbors, cleaning lady and porter:All are in close contact with Help Bari. If something is wrong, they will be informed directly and you will receive a message/penalty. The neighbor next to us also spilled bleach over a roommate's laundry.More stories:A roommate was thrown out of the apartment below us without notice within 24 hours without ever getting his €500 deposit back because a friend of his sat in the window at night and smoked. A neighbor then called the police and interpreted the situation as a suicide. Consequence -> termination without notice.Unfortunately, these and more stories are true and therefore I would like to warn everyone about this organization.
Help Bari
Worst housing experience ever, these people are practically like thieves. At least there are other options in Bari if you go to the webpage of housinganywhere, or you can also go to Campus X.
Help Bari
Unos sin vergüenzas, os van a robar sin parar, nunca contestéis nada con esta agencia, da asco.Me echaron del piso en 24h y a mis vecinos les pusero 100€ de multa por hacer una cena en casa.
Jose Miguel Rodriguez Merlos
Help Bari
Sin duda la peor experiencia de mi vida. En relación a mi experiencia, si pueden eviten ante todo alquilar cualquier piso de help Bari. En mi experiencia puedo de decir que cuando llegue al piso era todo perfecto trato amable, muy atentos, todo muy bien , pero cuando llevaba la mitad de mi estancia allí empezaron los problemas, 1. Se rompió una ducha del piso y tardaron más de un mes en arreglarnosla ( era un piso de 6 habitaciones y solo tenia dos baños por lo que estuvimos compartiendo un mismo baño todo este tiempo) pero nuestra mayor sorpresa fue a la hora de devolvernos la fianza, nos habían descontado los costes del material y de mano de obra a los inquilinos del piso. 2. Una mañana nos despertamos un compañero del piso y yo y nos informan de que nos habían puesto una sanción de 100€ (la compañia Help Bari, no la policía, no no, ELLOS) y nos amenazaban con que si nos los pagábamos nos echarían del piso y nos quitarían la fianza; La multa o sanción supuestamente fue por armar escándalo pero solo estábamos 2 personas y ni la policía ni ningún vecino nos dio ningún tipo de queja.(A otras compañeras les pusieron otra multa de la misma cantidad por tender la ropa DEMASIADO MOJADA") 3. Las facturas de luz

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Corso Italia, 112, 70123 Bari BA
Help Bari