Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao Via Emanuele Gianturco, 35, 80146 Napoli NA

Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao

37 Recensioni
  • giovedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • venerdì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • sabato12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • domenica12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • lunedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • martedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • mercoledì12–14:30, 18–23:30

Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao Via Emanuele Gianturco, 35, 80146 Napoli NA

Informazioni sull'azienda



Via Emanuele Gianturco, 35, 80146 Napoli NA


  • giovedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • venerdì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • sabato12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • domenica12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • lunedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • martedì12–14:30, 18–23:30
  • mercoledì12–14:30, 18–23:30


  • Adatto ai bambini
  • Carte di debito
  • PagamentI tramite dispositivo mobile NFC
  • Carte di credito
  • Consumazione sul posto
  • Alcolici
  • Birra
  • Vino
  • Toilette
  • Informale
  • Gruppi
  • Da asporto
  • Bagno accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Assaggi
  • Caffè
  • Cibo sano
  • Pranzo
  • Cena
  • Dessert
  • Accetta prenotazioni
  • Pasti fino a tarda sera

Recensioni consigliate

Adrian Stefan Dragan
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Vi ritroverete in una sala gigantesca curata nei minimi dettagli,ottima cucina prezzi accessibili e un servizio impeccabile
dee keo-sok
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Brown Asians are NOT WELCOME here. Ate some good seafoods in Capri and thought Naples must have some good seafood too. Brows the internet for an hour and decided to try this place due to all the good reviews and anticipated a good dinner but when we two brown Asians walked in, the worker there told us they're closed. We turned around and two Chinese were right behind us heard the worker and said oh you're closed?" They were ushered to a table."
Roberta Basile
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Assurdo. Sono mesi che provo a cenare in questo ristorante. Nonostante risulti aperto , verso le 20.30/21 il personale ci dice che la cucina è chiusa e non si può mangiare.
Davide Z
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Nicola Bergamo
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Proprietari cinesi ma tutto italiano, dal cibo allo chef ai camerieri...pesce vivo in acquario di prima scelta...ottimi vini e prezzi nella media...max cordialità...
Tinna Shen
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
The food was good and the fish was fresh. There is no menu. On the other hand, you must go to the front and order. The menu is written in Chinese and there is a variety of cold dishes displayed. The price is reasonable. Highly recommended.
Susy Di lauro
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Francesco De Fina
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
L'ingresso al ristorante è solo consentito a cittadini di nazionalità cinese. Tutti gli altri non sono ammessi. Mi ricorda qualcosa....
Luca Napolano
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Ottimo ristorante. Ci sono stato con la mia famiglia abbiamo mangiato benissimo, pesce fresco e tutto di ottima qualità. La location è confortecole e accogliente il personale molto cordiale.
Antonio da Silva
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao
Well, pics look nice and indeed, the place looks nice. However, as I entered, an Asian receptionist asked me what I did want... which I replied: eat. All discussion occurred in Italian.Woman looked embarrassed and told me that it will not be possible. I asked why as there were dozens of free tables. She replied: this is a restaurant for Chinese... couldn't believe. I asked her to repeat which she did. At this time, only one table was occupied with some 8 or 10 Asian people around it.To be honest, the place is huge and I guess this is a restaurant dedicated to some kind of business lunch/dinner only and as area is mainly occupied by Chinese businesses. However, I find it amazing that a restaurant allows you to eat or not based on your race... or nationality.

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Via Emanuele Gianturco, 35, 80146 Napoli NA
Ristorante Cinese Xin Wangchao