Simplastic, progettazione stampi materie plastiche, stampaggio materiale 66010 Casacanditella CH

Simplastic, progettazione stampi materie plastiche, stampaggio materiale

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Simplastic, progettazione stampi materie plastiche, stampaggio materiale 66010 Casacanditella CH

Informazioni sull'azienda

Home | The company Simplastic S.r.l. is specialized in design and production of molds for the manufacturing of plastic material in various sectors. Our work process, always technically updated, takes advantage of the professionality of a staff that can take care of the different steps in a qualified way: from the design to the product finishing.


66010 Casacanditella CH



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66010 Casacanditella CH
Simplastic, progettazione stampi materie plastiche, stampaggio materiale